A free online ep called Antenna Farm is now avilable for download from Soundclick at:
It's a six track collection of previously released material incoporating shortwave radio
in one form or another, spanning the years 1996-2008:
The tracks are:
Hanoi Hanna
Voice Of Free China
In The Last Days
Nothing More To Say (1:30 am)
Tracks 2 through 5 are experimental in nature, whereas tracks 1 and 6 are more or less songs. The last track doesn't incorporate any shortwave sounds in it, but it seemed like a fitting way to end the ep. Anyway, if you like this sort of thing you can download it for free. If you'd like a copy of the credits, email me at cutandpasterecords at yahoo dot com, and I'll send you a cover to print out.
Hope you'll enjoy it!